The GRAPHICS module provides a means of managing your on-air department’s graphics. This module functions as a work order system specifically designed for tracking graphics work orders, completion and approval dates, and artist information with links to the PROJECTS module. One of the most important features is the ability to store graphic elements and key frames within ON-AIR Pro™ for immediate browsing by writer-producers, room-producers, and managers. Graphics reel logs are also generated directly from the GRAPHICS module, thus linking the actual graphics with the log for the reel.
The GRAPHICS module features:
- Graphics reel logs can be laid to tape directly from the GRAPHICS module, linking the actual graphics with the log for the reel or digital container
- Writer-Producers’ and Graphics Designers’ contact information and work categories are stored within the CONTACTS module of ON-AIR Pro™
- Storage of JPEG versions of graphics linked to the database that are visible across the Network
- Automatically generated assignments for graphics artists
- Graphic work orders can be independently generated either directly from the GRAPHICS module or from a promo work order within the PROMOS module
- Storyboard forms with the graphics information printed on them can be generated for use in the key-framing process
- Linked with the SESSIONS module